Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Wedge Strategy: Transportation

Of overall CO2 emissions in fiscal 1995, those attributable to transportation accounted for 20%, and increase of 16% from the 1990 level. In order to prevent carbon emissions from increasing number of cars, technologies for fewer transportation promotes low carbon fuels, which can deliver CO2 savings.

Carbon emissions from road trasport grew by some 10% between 1990 and 2000, and they were expected to grow by a further 9% or between 2000 and 2010.

With average new vehicle emissions of 140g CO2/km by 2008, a combination of new technology, improvements to current technology and changes in purchasing behaviour toward more efficient vehicles should yield a 60% reduction in emissions by 2050.

The improvements to public transport could lead to a 8% reduction in vehicle kilometres driven in 2050. Rail provides 7% and bus 1%.

It is feasible because increasing the efficiency of logistics is one of they keys to preventing global warming. Some technologies are shifting from road transport to railway and marine transport such as AirTrain JFK, which solves this problem by enabling thousands of travelers and airport employees to travel to, from, and within the airport conveniently every day.

Also please post any images that you feel are necessary to the understanding of any of the previous 3 points.

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