Saturday, October 20, 2007

The White House: Home of the First Family

White House as a home appears more like a five star hotel: the conditions are made as comfortable as possible.
  • It is spacious: Second Floor is reserved for the private use.
  • Four private bedrooms and a dressing room are reserved for the president.
  • For recreation: tennis court, jogging track, swimming pool, movie theater and bowling lane.
  • In the basement: a war time shelter for the president and first family.
  • White House Chief Usher: the head of household staff and operations. He develops and administers the budget for the operation, maintenance, and utilities and supervises the staff. He serves at the pleasure of the president
  • A third floor contains a solarium and guest rooms, and staff bedrooms.

In this case home is a place of representation and a status symbol. The monumental status of the building reduces the homelike feeling of it. As a home the White House lacks the qualities of privacy and intimacy.

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